Possibilities – NFTs And The SEC

Possibilities – NFTs And The SEC

We all agree that it’s a wild time for cryptocurrencies and related digital assets.

On one hand, people are getting very enthusiastic about Bitcoin and other crypto coins, as well as non-fungible tokens that can be purchased and collected and used for things like your virtual avatar.

On the other hand, some parts of the government seem to be upset, thinking that they need to get “more of a handle on” cryptocurrency – whatever that means – either to get their cut of gains through annual tax filings, or to prevent things that they fear could turn into fraud.

From there, you have KYC and everything it entails, as well as other kinds of controversy in crypto and NFT regulation. You have the case of Ripple and XRP, which is winding its way through the courts, and a lot of other examples, too.

Just take a look at how the SEC is staffing up to come up with a wider task force to go after various crypto projects!

A lot of crypto fans would say this is disingenuous, and that the agency owes people a better explanation of what it’s doing.

Many crypto companies don’t mind complying with reasonable regulation – but when it seems like a trick or some kind of abstract and arbitrary process, it makes people upset!

In any case, transparency is good in this industry, and that’s why we created the tools and resources that we have available on the site.

Self-doxxing, for example, is an interesting proposal, and a kind of a revolutionary act – but it also serves that kind of transparency that is good for joint projects and for meeting regulators in the middle.

When you have a better idea of who’s heading a project, you feel more directly involved and empowered, and there’s more trust there. So then the community has a better position at which to meet regulatory efforts.

Then you have all of the other kinds of documentation around Arsenal NFT, including info about bonding, perpetual revenue streams, and more.

All of it is intended to add to the clarity and precision of crypto and NFT projects that are on the cusp of developing new ways to think about assets and money.

From discord to Dapps, we are on the vanguard of what people are doing with crypto and NFTs. Get involved and experience how you can be part of this exciting community and be confident about your involvement!

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