NFTs And Crypto: A Whole New World

So where are we right now with NFTs and crypto?

A downturn earlier in the year has led some to dismiss the future of cryptocurrency, but in reality, investors are still trading in these kinds of digital assets, and the crypto community continues to function. What’s more, NFTs continue to be bought and sold, and some are looking to the future with digital avatars and more of these types of trends driving NFT markets.

If you find Bitcoin intriguing, and you were paying attention years ago, you see the underlying value of cryptocurrency assets, even in a downturn (maybe especially in a downturn!) You see their value as an alternative to traditional finance, and how they can shield investments from Federal Reserve changes like the ones we’ve seen over the last few months.

Our Team

Our people are experienced in NFTs and cryptocurrency trading. We have a curiosity about the market, and do the research to support the services we provide to investors and people who are interested in this part of the financial world.


Having our own Discord server works well, too. Many of the people who are most interested in cryptocurrency are also Discord users, so that crossover makes a difference. We have a lot of news being broken in our own portion of this platform, so check in periodically and see more about ArsenalNFT and how it works.

We know that exchanges are going through a difficult time, but many of them are being supported, while some are being rescued by the likes of Sam Bankman Fried!

So keep an eye out, because we’ll have our finger on the pulse of the crypto community as things continue to progress.

In exploring the wide world of cryptocurrency, it’s also important to recognize that this is a very complex field with its own challenges for investors. For example, people used to talk about the ‘altcoin graveyard,’ looking at how many coins fail to thrive in their own ecosystems, for whatever reason.

Then you look at the assets that are thriving, and you make your place. ArsenalNFT helps, with information from a dedicated and passionate community that cares about the future of crypto more than the average person does.

We’re proud to be in the vanguard of companies addressing the appetite for crypto and NFT investment in using new technologies for outreach, consulting and more! Many people think of the crypto world as a “bright new shiny thing,” but there’s more to it than that. There is the idea of investing in something that’s just coming along now, but is likely to be a common part of our lives in the future. There is the excitement of being part of a dedicated community and the knowledge that you use to shore up a financial strategy.

We get all that, and it’s part of what we celebrate at ArsenalNFT, with special offers and the ability to succeed in trading these new digital assets. When it comes to an exchange and a holding strategy, the methods that you use and the venues that you choose are important. Learn more on our Discord server and elsewhere as we undertake this journey with you.

Combining Art And Technology

A lot of people just aren’t very familiar with NFT’s, let alone cryptocurrency and the blockchain in general.

So these kinds of new businesses often face an uphill battle in trying to educate people on how these high-tech forms of finance work.

The popularity of NFT’s

Despite the fact that a lot of people don’t know what the acronym stands for, NFT’s are still popular. People see them being promoted by their favorite celebrities and athletes and gravitate toward this area of the blockchain where they might have zero interest in checking out cryptocurrencies that they see as basically just forms of digital money.

We work on the innovation that powers NFT technologies and systems, and we see this becoming super popular with a younger audience and people of higher net worth in particular. People are getting on board the NFT train early!

Digital Art Resources

One of the best use cases for NFT’s is to tie digital art to a technical asset for IP.

Although some artists transmit the IP with the NFT and some don’t, either way you have a vehicle for valuing and owning digital artwork.

There’s also the analysis of rarity within an NFT collection, which is also a popular part of modern analysis. Take the Bored Ape collection, for example, where you have rarer be NFT’s with unique features. This is going to help guide the market for that individual NFT in the future. There’s a whole system for rarity valuation that is catching on, as more people contemplate getting involved in NFT’s as a brand new asset class.

Promoting Better Outreach

For a lot more on what how we work and what we are doing with NFT’s, come on over to our Discord channel. Discord is becoming a new way to look at social media – something that’s more technical and geared toward a technical audience than some of the big names in short form social media that are already saturating the user base, people of all ages and a lot of people that have no real interest in the digital world at large.

Instead, our Discord is a place where people talk about these new assets a lot, and direct their energy toward exploitation of all of the things that NFT’s and blockchains represent. Arsenal is on the vanguard of the NFT world, and excited about going further! Be a part of that change in a community that cares about evolving blockchain assets.

Tips for Getting Started with NFTs

In the past few months, the popularity of NFTs – non-fungible tokens – has grown. As you know, an NFT is a digital token representing an object on the blockchain. NFTs can represent many things, including digital content, trophies, artwork, property, and concepts. What makes NFTs unique from cryptocurrencies is that they carry a value that can’t be exchanged. 

Learning a few basic concepts is necessary if you are interested in NFTs and want to use them. Keep reading to find out what these are. 

Creating and Selling

You must first decide whether you want to collect or create NFTs. If you plan to create NFTs, it’s a good idea to find something worth minting NFTs on. Popular NFTs include gaming, music, fashion, and digital art. There is opportunity and value in each of these use cases. 

After determining the digital asset you will sell, you must create the NFTs. Begin by selecting an NFT marketplace. Here you can mint the NFTs, sometimes for less than a dollar. 

How to Invest in NFTs

If you are interested in digital art, then NFTs offer you the opportunity to invest in unique pieces. Try to find artists who have a defined trajectory or style. If you find an artist that is committed to their work and has an ongoing artistic NFT project, then the pieces you purchase will likely increase in value in the future. 

Also, if you like a certain style of NFTs, you may want to ignore the price point and purchase what you like. Put simply, find something you like and that you don’t mind keeping for a while. 

Tips for Choosing NFTs That Will Help You Make Money

You can find several projects that give you the chance to purchase NFTs; however, they aren’t all worthwhile. You need to consider a few things to ensure you only pick NFTs that will be profitable. This includes:

  • Trading volume: Find NFT projects with high trading volumes. 
  • Activity trend: Check the evolution of the activity as time passes. Are transaction volumes and users increasing or decreasing? For short-term benefits, only consider projects that are increasing. 
  • Community: See how active and engaged the community members around the project are. Are people actively discussing the project? Are they playing the game? Looking at the community will help you evaluate NFT projects. 
  • Project stage: Is it a new project or one that’s been around? Buying NFTs in pre-sale or earlier is riskier than buying ones with an established community. 

Making Money with NFTs

When it comes to making money with NFTs, it’s important to remember that there’s no guarantee. There is risk involved when you purchase these. While this is true, when you take the time to consider the factors here and find the right NFTs, you can begin making a profit. It is a good idea to research NFTs available and tips for buying them before making a move. This will help you avoid issues when purchasing these.

Tips for Making Money with NFTs

Spending on NFTs (non-fungible) tokens continues to increase. Activity in this space is beginning to stabilize, and it’s expected to reach record-breaking levels by the end of 2022. 

To date, quite a few people are making money with NFTs; however, many others still want to become part of the money-making elite. Unfortunately, getting started with NFTs can be confusing. Keep reading if you are ready to get started with NFTs and learn how to make money. Here you can learn more. 

Invest in Public Sales or Presales

Because of rarity and speculation, NFTs can increase in value; however, it’s a good idea to join NFT projects that look promising early, before their actual value goes up. When you do this, the resale value is typically much higher than what you buy in for. 

Most of the top NFTs you can purchase on different NFT marketplaces can be purchased for lower prices, usually between $1 and $34; however, when NFTs became more popular in 2021, the price went up too. 

Flip NFTs

In most cases, flipping NFTs occurs when you buy low and sell high. The goal is to achieve higher returns. A good way to flip NFTs is by purchasing all the available NFTs when they are offered at lower prices. When you do this, you can resell them and earn a lot of money. 

Mint Your NFTs

It’s also possible for you to make money with NFTs if you mint them yourself. When you mint an NFT, it means you publish some type of digital assets, such as digital art, music, videos, game items, or photography, in the blockchain and make it purchasable by someone else. 

The process of minting NFTs is simple, with there being several marketplaces where you can do this. There are many that are even targeted at beginners to help them monetize their work. If you want to succeed with this, you need to ensure the digital asset you publish is original and unique. 

P2E (Play to Earn) NFT Games

You can even play NFT games to help you make money. In fact, this is an approach that has become more popular in recent months. Due to the popularity of P2E NFT games, several new platforms have emerged. With these, experienced players can easily earn a regular income

There are some NFT games that use play to earn features and allow skilled game players to generate a significant amount of revenue. Rewards are typically in the form of tokens to use on the platform. This means when you earn them, you can spend them on in-game items or you can exchange them for FIAT currency on a decentralized exchange

Tips for Investing in NFTs

Do you want to invest in new NFT projects to flip or just buy and sell different NFTs? If so, finding and using a safe NFT marketplace will help to make your job much easier. Be sure to check out what Arsenal NFT offers, which will help you make the most of your NFT investments.

Arsenal NFTs: Discord and More

What’s important in the NFT world right now?

Well, some investors are focusing on NFT rarity and trying to do research on particular collections. Some are trying to stay ahead of cryptocurrency changes and figure out the gas fee challenges. Some traders are acting more assertively, maybe even trading on margin, which you have to be careful with. 

Others are hanging back on different kinds of platforms and listening and getting more information by talking to people about current NFT trends. And that makes sense, because these types of assets require some due diligence the whole way down the line. 

Reddit and Discord

Where do you do this? A lot of people are doing it on Reddit, and a lot more are interacting on Discord. That makes a lot of sense: Reddit is one place where you can get a lot of unvarnished truth straight from the mouth of investors. And Discord is pretty useful, too. You can start to envision how the whole process works: what might be available, for example, on an exchange like OpenSea, and how to eventually move assets into your own wallet, or use them for avatars, or whatever tickles your fancy. 

There are some interesting things happening in our war room and other channels on our Discord. People are talking about opportunities, about strategies, about success. They’re comparing notes on industry news, and making things realer by testifying about their own individual experiences with these types of investment trends. 

This community spirit and the interactions that occur have a positive effect on people’s NFT buying patterns. This sort of thing really helps in due diligence, and in building the wisdom that you need to tell a good buy from a scam. 

It would probably be a mistake not to admit that the newness of this industry provides some challenges to individual investors. So it makes sense that they keep their ears to the ground somehow, to gauge how things are working out in the NFT world, and in the cryptocurrency sector as a whole.

You get that kind of valuable information when you’re linked up to our channels and participating in the kinds of services we provide. People are talking – about how to move forwards with crypto and NFT investments. And there’s a lot to talk about!

Browse the website to learn more about what’s happening and how to get involved.

Possibilities – NFTs And The SEC

We all agree that it’s a wild time for cryptocurrencies and related digital assets.

On one hand, people are getting very enthusiastic about Bitcoin and other crypto coins, as well as non-fungible tokens that can be purchased and collected and used for things like your virtual avatar.

On the other hand, some parts of the government seem to be upset, thinking that they need to get “more of a handle on” cryptocurrency – whatever that means – either to get their cut of gains through annual tax filings, or to prevent things that they fear could turn into fraud.

From there, you have KYC and everything it entails, as well as other kinds of controversy in crypto and NFT regulation. You have the case of Ripple and XRP, which is winding its way through the courts, and a lot of other examples, too.

Just take a look at how the SEC is staffing up to come up with a wider task force to go after various crypto projects!

A lot of crypto fans would say this is disingenuous, and that the agency owes people a better explanation of what it’s doing.

Many crypto companies don’t mind complying with reasonable regulation – but when it seems like a trick or some kind of abstract and arbitrary process, it makes people upset!

In any case, transparency is good in this industry, and that’s why we created the tools and resources that we have available on the site.

Self-doxxing, for example, is an interesting proposal, and a kind of a revolutionary act – but it also serves that kind of transparency that is good for joint projects and for meeting regulators in the middle.

When you have a better idea of who’s heading a project, you feel more directly involved and empowered, and there’s more trust there. So then the community has a better position at which to meet regulatory efforts.

Then you have all of the other kinds of documentation around Arsenal NFT, including info about bonding, perpetual revenue streams, and more.

All of it is intended to add to the clarity and precision of crypto and NFT projects that are on the cusp of developing new ways to think about assets and money.

From discord to Dapps, we are on the vanguard of what people are doing with crypto and NFTs. Get involved and experience how you can be part of this exciting community and be confident about your involvement!

Common NFT Misconceptions and the Truth Behind Them

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years, you are familiar with the term non-fungible token (NFT). While you may have heard the term NFT thrown around, you might be unsure what this term actually means. In short, an NFT is a cryptographic digital asset. These assets are created using unique metadata and codes.

The non-fungible portion of this term means that these digital assets are completely unique and can’t be replaced with anything else. You should look at an NFT as a virtual representation of either tangible or digital assets. Currently, the NFT market is valued at around $7 billion. This amount is predicted to increase greatly in the coming years.

Since NFTs are a relatively new concept, there are many misconceptions about them. Read below to find out about the most common NFT misconceptions and the truth behind them.

NFTs are an Imaginary Asset

Traditional investors are so hung up on the use of tangible assets that they fail to realize how real NFTs actually are. One of the main misconceptions people have about non-fungible tokens is that they are imaginary. This misconception is based on the fact that NFTs can’t be exchanged for physical money. The usage of NFTs differs from person to person.

Some NFT owners like to store them, while others are trading them for things like cryptocurrencies. If you are thinking of investing in NFTs, you need to realize just how much scarcity affects the value. By acquiring and holding on to NFTs for a while, you will see a great return on your investment. If you are hung up on having tangible assets, you might miss out on the NFT gold rush currently unfolding around the world.

NFTs Are Another Form of Cryptocurrency

If you talk to someone who knows very little about NFTs, one of the first things they will state is that these cryptographic digital assets are the same thing as cryptocurrency. In reality, the only similarity shared by NFTs and cryptocurrencies is that they are both based on blockchain technology. The main difference between these two digital assets if the fungibility of NFTs.

A non-fungible item has a unique value and cannot be replaced with another item with an equivalent value. This is why NFTs are being sought out by some of the biggest investors in the world.

Investing In NFTS is a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

Another common misconception about NFTs is that they are a get-rich-quick scheme. You need to realize that the idea of selling and owning limited edition assets is a concept that has been around for centuries. You need to realize that NFTs are just the modern version of this concept. Choosing the right NFTs will provide you with a lucrative asset. However, not all NFTs are created equal, so doing your homework before selecting a digital asset to purchase is important.

As you can see, there are several misconceptions about NFTs. Rather than buying into these misconceptions and missing out on great investment opportunities, it is time to educate yourself about non-fungible tokens.